4 Ways to “Pain Proof” Your Office

4 Ways to “Pain Proof” Your Office
Dr. Peter Hinz

Chiropractic Doctor

4 Ways to “Pain Proof” Your Office

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Pain at Work

These days it seems like many of us spend as much time, if not more, at the office than at home. Since Americans have grown accustom to practically living in our offices, we might as well make them as comfortable as possible. Neck and Back pain caused from repetitive movements while working is very common. Fortunately though many of the painful complaints coming from the office can be avoided with theses 4 simple steps to pain-proofing your office.

1. Computer Placement

Nearly every job today involves some computer work with most jobs requiring several hours a day. If your computer monitor and keyboard are not placed properly the result can leave you hunched over and in pain.

For proper placement start by setting your monitor back about arm’s length away from you, now place your keyboard so that it is low enough that your arms don’t need to set up on the desk to type. You may need to install an adjustable keyboard tray to accomplish this. Make sure to use a wrist rest with your keyboard so you’re not putting strain on your wrists while typing.

2. Love Your Chair

In terms of importance having a supportive office chair should be up there with having a supportive mattress – it’s a must! If you are sitting for forty plus hours a week in a stiff or slouchy chair you are without question going to experience back pain. To avoid experiencing back pain at work from your office chair you may want to invest in a new one or talk to your employer about purchasing a new chair.

When looking for a pain free office chair make sure to go for something with a height adjustment so that when you sit you can adjust the chair so that your feet may both be placed flat on the floor with your knees sitting even to or below your hips. Also look for a chair with good lower back support, or purchase a separate cushion made to support the lower back.

3. Take Breaks

We were not made to sit at a desk for several hours straight and the result of doing so can lead to pain at work and at home. Every couple of hours or so make sure to take a 10-15 minute break to stand and do some small stretches to ease any tension in your body.

4. Use a Headset

If your job requires you to be on the phone for a significant part of your day a headset could be your best friend in avoiding neck pain at work. Headsets eliminate the strain and struggle on your neck and shoulders of trying to balance a phone while doing other things.

Have more tips on how to pain-proof your office? Comment below to share them!

Photo Credit: Jeremy Snell via Compfight cc

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