5 Reasons Why Chiropractic Care is Cost Effective

5 Reasons Why Chiropractic Care is Cost Effective
Dr. Peter Hinz

Chiropractic Doctor

5 Reasons Why Chiropractic Care is Cost Effective

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Chiropractic care as a science of treatment is getting so much attention recently. The reasons for this are many but most importantly, it is due to its cost effectiveness. Many studies provide real and accurate statistical data on this subject. Majority of these studies prove that chiropractic treatment is more cost effective than conventional treatment options. As we aim to compare the cost effectiveness of chiropractic, there are other factors that we need to consider. Such factors include after treatment care as well as the effectiveness of the treatment itself.

5 Reasons Why Chiropractic Care is Cost Effective

In our article, we shall be looking at five reasons why chiropractic care is famous for its cost effectiveness. In light of this, we shall have to quote several studies to support our claim. We hope to keep you well and truly informed. Information is power and with that power, you can change and improve your health for the better.

  1. Treatment of neuromusculoskeletal disorders

Many patients who suffer from neuromusculoskeletal disorders usually seek conventional treatment. Osteopathic and medical physicians are common in treating this condition. however, they  involve other third parties in the proceedings. Doctors of chiropractic who treat neuromusculoskeletal disorders work alone to remedy the condition.

In a study: J Manipulative Physiologic Therapy 1993 (Jun); 16 (5): 291–299, the researchers look to compare the cost effectiveness of chiropractic care compared to other treatment options for neuromusculoskeletal disorders. The basis of this research is simple, compare the treatment care as well as the insurance against the relative components. This 2-year research gives some revealing insights.

We can make comparisons as before. We can consider the 10 insurance categories and the admission rates for the hospitals. From the results, we learn that nearly ¼ of those patients who get chiropractic treatment experience a significant saving on the costs of treatment. The difference in costs of treating neuromusculoskeletal disorders is in the range of $ 1000.00.

  1. Chiropractic Care is cost effective in the treatment of common neck pains

Neck pain receives the credentials of a chronic illness. It is a constant occurrence we seem not able to shrug off. You come back from work and you have a very painful neck pain. You sleep in a certain position and you wake up with a stinging neck pain. In all these instances, we always seek painkillers to help relieve the pain. We end up using so much money on this painkillers that we forget to keep a record of it.

What if I told you, that there is an effective option both in treatment and in costs? There is really no debate about the effectiveness of chiropractic care in treating neck pains. What we need to prove is how cost effective chiropractic is in treating chronic neck pain. As a matter of fact, we only need to point you in the right direction since, studies exists that prove the cost effectiveness of chiropractic care in relation to the subject. consider the study below;

Background of the study: Neck pain is a disturbing and prevalent condition especially among older folks. However, although neck pain is a heavy burden, we know little with regards to the cost-effectiveness of the common treatments used.
Purpose of the study: An estimate of the costs of spinal manipulative therapy, home and exercise and supervised rehabilitative care in addition to SMT and HEA combined.

Study setting: The cost-effectiveness of the chiropractic was conducted basing on a clinical trial which is random.

Sample: 241 older adults, suffering from a chronic mechanical neck pain of ages over 65 years.
Measures for the outcome: consider indirect as well as direct costs over a 1 year period.

Methods: National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (#F32AT007507) as well as the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal together with the Skin Diseases (#P60AR062799), and Health Resources and Services Administration (#R18HP01425) all contributed to the financing of this study.
For the primary analysis of this study, we adopt a societal perspective. In the analysis phase, a healthcare perspective is preferable. The difference in cost as well as outcomes of the trial are estimates of a general equation of estimation.

The results of the study point out that the cumulative cost of SMT together with HEA is much lower at 5% in comparison to HEA alone. This cost is also 47% less than Supervised Rehabilitative Exercise together with HEA.

  1. Lower back pain treatment costs less in chiropractic

Another chronic pain that we can’t seem to eliminate entirely is the chronic back pain. Chronic back pain is similarly common in most folks. Poor sitting positions as well as strenuous exercises can result in lower back pains. At present there are many remedies for lower back pain. However the cost effectiveness of these options is not clear.

Relative studies which we can identify following systematic searches in databases such as CINAHL, Cochrane Library, EMBASE as well as MEDLINE strive to make clear the relevant cost effectiveness of the chiropractic treatments in comparison with other alternatives.

We can group these studies as; manual therapy, information and education, lone physical exercise therapy or a combination of both physiological as well as physical therapy. The data we collect from these studies shows that anything related to a combination of chiropractic treatment offers a better treatment alternative for lower back pain in terms of costs.

  1. International Health Conferences agree on the cost effectiveness of chiropractic care

On a yearly basis, the health sector always holds conference. These conferences intend to bring to light the developments we make in the health sector. These includes measures we take to ensure that humanity receives the best affordable treatment.

In majority of these conferences, chiropractic care has always received applauding. This is primarily for the way it has been able to cater for and provide low rate treatment. Here are some opinions from such conferences:

“Doctors of chiropractic are a vital part of our nation’s health care system. Your services have been proven both effective and cost-effective and every day you help countless Americans with a variety of health conditions.”

~ Kathleen Sebelius,
Secretary of Health and Human Services
2011 National Chiropractic Legislative Conference

“In the U.S., at least 200,000 microdiskectomies are performed annually at a direct cost of $5 billion, or $25,000 per procedure. Avoiding 60 percent of these surgeries [by sending the patients to chiropractors] would mean a reduction savings of $3 billion annually. In the Canadian study, patients receiving chiropractic care averaged 21 visits during their course of care. If a cost of $100 per patient visit is assumed for the care provided by the chiropractor, then the total cost per patient would be $2,100, yielding per patient savings of $22,900, or $2.75 billion dollars annually.”

Daniel Redwood, DC,

Professor at Cleveland Chiropractic College–Kansas City.

  1. Chiropractic has less and affordable insurance policies

A look at the insurance policies of both chiropractic as well as conventional medical treatment is overwhelming. In the normal hospitals you are to pay for medical insurance. This is directly cut from your salary. It doesn’t matter whether or not you will get sick.

Besides that, if you go to the hospital and request a surgical operation, there are more charges for you to pay. The accumulative insurance cover from the hospitals can really eat into your pockets. This is besides the normal charges for the outpatient care as well.

You will find chiropractic charges to be less accumulative and less costly. The reason for this is because most chiropractic treatments are not risky. As a result, the costs of insurance charges are less expensive. Chiropractic doctors transfer this cost advantage over to you. In addition, with chiropractic treatment, you do not have to pay upfront insurance charges.

We all look to make life more affordable and enjoyable. Health on the other hand, is one human right that we cannot be compromise on. For this reason, chiropractic strives to ensure you get best care without the hassles of expensive costs.


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