8 Benefits of Acupuncture

8 Benefits of Acupuncture
8 Benefits of Acupuncture
Dr. Peter Hinz

Chiropractic Doctor

8 Benefits of Acupuncture

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So much has changed these days in the health sector. It’s no longer just about quality nutrition and proper fitness practices. People are considering mindfulness and other self-care practices. They want to realize their inbuilt energy and willpower for preventing major illnesses from manifesting. They also want an alternative medicine approach that makes them feel better not just physically but spiritually too. One traditional therapy that is gaining grounds fast is acupuncture. So, what’s acupuncture and how can it benefit you?

Acupuncture is an old Chinese practice in which thin needles are fit in specific points (acupoints) on your skin. It’s done to help unlock your inbuilt energies so as you can enjoy better physical, spiritual, and emotional health. Currently, the old Chinese practice enjoys over 2500 years and it has evolved significantly over the years. It’s one of the fastest growing alternative medicine practices in the US.

8 Benefits of Acupuncture

According to the National Institute of Health, more than 3.1 million individuals in the US try acupuncture yearly. The study shows that the number increases steadily each year. Contrary to what most people believe, acupuncture is not painful. Surprisingly, despite the fact that needles are introduced on your body, the experience is pain-free. Actually, acupuncture helps to reduce different forms of pain. In that respect, here are 8 amazing benefits of the technique to enjoy:

  1. Manages Chronic Pain

Conditions such as arthritis, back pain, and neck pain are becoming too stubborn to treat nowadays. However, recent reports show that acupuncture can effectively manage them. A study by the University Medical Center of Berlin shows that patients with chronic low back pain and those with chronic neck and knee pain experience significant pain relief once they start having acupuncture sessions. Another study by Memorials Sloan-Kettering Department of Epidemiology shows that patients who are having acupuncture experience less pain than those who are using pharmaceutical approaches. The study concludes that acupuncture is a realistic option to consider in chronic pain management.

  1. Mental Health

With how stressful life normally is, you need an occasional pause so as to recharge and restore your mind to full efficiency. This is what acupuncture does to you. It tackles your mind so that calmness and willpower can be realized. Based on this working mechanism, acupuncture has shown great results in treating anxiety and stress. Surprisingly, there are a good number of patients who prefer the treatment to the use of medicines. Nonetheless, there is no scientific backing to show that acupuncture is the superior therapy. What’s clear is the idea that the results are amazing in combating negative emotions which are associated with stress and anxiety.

  1. Manages Migraines

Since the primary working effect of acupuncture is pain alleviation, it can be used to treat severe headaches (migraines). It does this by relaxing the tight nerves that are making your head to ache. On a basic level, acupuncture works with the body’s fascia system so as to help it release the necessary opiates. You need the opiates to overcome the strange headaches. In 2009, the Center for Complementary Medicine Studies carried a study on 2,137 acupuncture subjects. They found out that acupuncture shows no worrying effect on the subjects and it could actually be the non-pharmacological treatment that numerous migraine patients around the world really need. Based on the study, the subjects studied started realizing a drop in the frequency of the severe headaches after having acupuncture.

  1. Sleep Quality

Insomnia, lack of better sleep, is a serious problem. Though it can be treated by conventional medicine, you can treat it faster and cheaply using acupuncture. Often, lack of sleep occurs when your body and mind are apart and thus are not able to rest. This is primarily because of a physical stressor or an emotional one. Acupuncture helps to connect and relax the two parts so that you can rest much better. You are able to forget the physical and emotional stressor when you retire to bed. So many patients with insomnia and other sleep conditions are able to sleep better as soon as they start acupuncture. This is backed by recent research by the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine which shows that patients who add acupuncture to their other insomnia treatments show much improvement.

  1. Chemotherapy Recovery

Acupuncture may not treat cancer but it can help lessen the symptoms by promoting the effectiveness of chemo. The National Cancer Institute (NCI) advocates for acupuncture because it helps to enhance the immunity so as to facilitate a speedy recovery after chemotherapy. NCI insists on the importance of pain alleviation during chemo and acupuncture helps towards it.

  1. Better Skin

You are asked to drink herbal tea, green juice, and plenty of water so as to improve the health of your skin. All these practices are natural and so is acupuncture. The technique can help immensely in skin rejuvenation. It addresses problems such as wrinkles and skin sagging by enhancing the levels of collagen. So, you are able to realize a fine and wrinkle-free skin in the long run. So, if you have tried a couple of skin rejuvenation therapies and failed, it’s time you give acupuncture a go.

  1. PMS Relief

There are suggestions that acupuncture helps to relieve pain in women suffering from premenstrual syndrome. Acupuncture addresses the main symptoms such as irritability, fatigue, craving, and muscular discomfort. Nevertheless, it should be considered before the PMS symptoms start to show. Essentially, acupuncture is a preventive approach when it comes to PMS. In this case, PMS patients who know when the symptoms are about to manifest are advised to go for acupuncture regularly.

  1. Slows Cognitive Decline

Lastly, acupuncture may help to prevent old age-associated conditions like Parkinson Disease. According to a 2002 research by Maryland School of Medicine, Parkinson’s patients who are exposed to acupuncture sessions show massive improvement. They suffer fewer symptoms such as trauma, pain, anxiety, and mental slowness. Though acupuncture may not treat the condition, the study concludes that it can help such patients live a longer and more comfortable life.

The Wrap

Dr. Hinz at Cool Springs Chiropractic, located in Franklin, TN, proudly offers acupuncture. Contact us today to get started!

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