Health & Fitness Tips

3 Easy Stretches to Relieve Lower Back Pain During Pregnancy

Relieve Lower Back Pain During Pregnancy Pregnancy is a beautiful time in a woman’s life, but the symptoms that come with it though are not always as joyous. Lower back pain during pregnancy is very common and more than half of pregnant woman will experience it at some point. You are more susceptible to lower back pain during pregnancy if you have suffered from back pain prior to your pregnancy or during a previous pregnancy. Back pain

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Franklin Acupuncture: 5 Benefits of Acupuncture You May Not Know

Franklin Acupuncture – The Benefits It isn’t unusual for new patients to be slightly skeptical and I often receive the “does acupuncture work” question pretty quickly during the first visit. Most of our Franklin acupuncture patients start by coming to the office for pain or headache relief and are astonished at the results. Few however know the great depths of healing that acupuncture can reach treating anxiousness, digestive disorders, emotional conditions and more. The following are all health related

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Does Acupuncture Hurt?

Before we address the question does acupuncture hurt we first need to look at how acupuncture works. By far the number one question people ask about acupuncture is “does acupuncture hurt”? The thought of needles often sends shivers of fear through our spines; however most patients are amazed at how little acupuncture needles are in comparison to other medical needles. The following will provide you with helpful information on acupuncture and give you a better idea about

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Acupuncture Helps Relieve Headaches and Migraines

Acupuncture helps relieve headaches but when most people think about headache treatments acupuncture doesn’t even make the list of options. Generally we go for one of the many pill shaped “friends” to quickly ease our pain. Unfortunately many of these so called friends can also come with some risky side effects such as liver damage. Acupuncture however can give powerful relief without the harmful side effects that prescription and over-the-counter drugs may eventually cause. A general headache is defined

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Top 4 Places & Events to Enjoy Franklin TN in the Fall

Franklin TN in the fall With the blazing hot summer days coming to an end and fall creeping up on us it’s time to get out and enjoy the beauty of the season. Though I may be bias, I feel Franklin, TN is one of the most breath taking places to watch the seasons change. If you are looking to get out by yourself or with family here are 4 of the top places to enjoy Franklin

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6 Common Symptoms of a Pinched Nerve

What is a Pinched Nerve? People often confuse any back pain with the pain of a pinched nerve in the back. While back pain can be a symptom of many conditions, pinched nerves take place when there is too much pressure applied to a nerve by the surrounding tissues. In certain cases the tissue compressing the nerve may be bone or cartilage, while in other cases it may be due to muscle or tendons. This abundance of

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4 Tips to Help Your Student Avoid Back Pain

The beginning of the school year is a crazy time for most families. There are a million and one things to think about, organize, and prepare for. Something that often gets lost is the chaos though is the effect that the two ton backpacks and hours of sitting at a desk have on students. Here are four tips to help your student avoid back pain and excel.   1. Backpacks Make a Difference! We have all heard

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Do Chiropractors Really Need Your X-rays?

In short, yes. Chiropractic x-rays are used as a diagnostic tool for doctors and play a crucial role in ensuring you are provided with the proper treatment and care. Why X-Rays Are Important: X-rays are important because they allow the doctor to see a visual of your spinal condition. Through x-ray films the doctor can determine the health of your spine as well as if any fractures, dislocations, subluxations (a misalignment of the intricate spinal bones called

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4 Common Symptoms Of Whiplash And Their Treatments

Whiplash, also called neck sprain or neck strain, is an injury to the neck. Whiplash is caused by an abrupt jerking motion of the head, either backward or forward, and often occurs but is not limited to the result of a car accident. Whiplash can be diagnosed by a collection of symptoms that occur following damage to the neck. Due to whiplash the intervertebral joints, discs, ligaments, cervical muscles, and nerve roots may become damaged. Whiplash can

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How Frequently Should I Get My Back Adjusted?

Franklin Chiropractor – Q & A There are many different aspects that determine the frequency of chiropractic visits. Generally though you can form a frequency sliding scale based on how creatively your pain occurred. For instance, if you slept on your stomach for three days you probably won’t need to come as often as someone who para sailed into a tree. Since there are so many variables though, it is impossible to determine the frequency of chiropractic

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