Health & Fitness Tips

5 Healthy Foods That Are Amazing Cancer Remedies

5 Healthy Foods That Are Amazing Cancer Remedies

As an expert in food and nutrition, Dr. Stein asserts that living a healthy life depends highly on what you choose to eat. In light of this, many health complications have resulted from poor eating habits. A large number of diseases that face us today, especially chronic illnesses, are as a result of a certain type of foods that we always seem unable to keep away. From what I have been hearing from my friends, they have

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Overview of Chiropractic Care vs Conventional Medicine

Overview of Chiropractic Care vs Conventional Medicine

You know by now that chiropractic maintenance and care is gaining as a strong foot as a primary medical scare giver putting conventional medicine on its toes. In reality, however, chiropractic treatment still has a long way before it can reach the levels attained by conventional medicine. The sad news is that what is popular not always be correct. In light of this statement, you need to ask yourself what edge does conventional medicine has that makes

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How You Should Feel After A Chiropractic Adjustment

How You Should Feel After A Chiropractic Adjustment

A chiropractic adjustment uses a series of techniques to improve joint function, reduce nerve interference, and release muscle tension. The goal is to restore alignment, relieve pressure on the nerves that control your muscles and joints, and allow for improved circulation.  Of course, it’s also important to understand how you should feel after an adjustment so you can tell if something isn’t right. This article discusses common side effects and what you should expect during the recovery

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6 Activities To Help You Lose Weight In A Week

6 Activities To Help You Lose Weight In A Week

We all know how an excessive weight gain can be a bother especially when you are involved in a career which requires constant movement. With an excessive weight, you may be unable to enroll for certain vacancies. It is not a matter of discrimination but rather a case of the job demands. You could enroll, but eventually, the going might get too tough for you. No need to panic, however, by the time you are done going

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5 Popular Chiropractic Myths You Need To Know About

5 Popular Chiropractic Myths You Need To Know About

Chiropractic as a form of treatment has gained a lot of criticism over the years. Though it continues to work successfully for many folks, some rumours still go round about chiropractic. Myths about chiropractic have been around as long as I can remember. Controversies have been rife concerning the effective of chiropractic in the treatment of several health conditions. As a result, unfounded claims have been circulating about chiropractic. The myths about chiropractic are many, but here

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Why Chiropractic Care is a Great Choice for Whiplash Injuries

Whiplash is an injury that can start out as nothing and quickly develop at a pace that disrupts your entire life, making it one of the most subtle traumas a victim of an accident can experience – but undoubtedly one of the most painful. Most victims won’t realize they have whiplash at all, as symptoms can wait days and even up to a week to manifest. Some of the more subtle effects can be mistaken or explained

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10 Ways to Get Up and Get Moving Throughout Your Day

10 Ways to Get Up and Get Moving Throughout Your Day

The number one reason clients give us for not exercising is that they don’t have time. We are here to tell you that incorporating exercise and movement into your day is not that hard, and if you don’t make time for exercise and health now, you’ll have to make time for illness later on in life. There are plenty of things you can do to increase your fitness levels without stressing about finding more time in your

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Natural Ways to Relieve Stress

Natural Ways to Relieve Stress

Stress. We all feel it. You’re inbox has 598 new emails. You’re stuck in traffic on the way to your job interview. You’re kid can’t find their favorite blanket and is in full meltdown mode. Unfortunately, life is full of stressors that we simply have to learn to overcome. In order to help you, we’ve created a helpful list of natural ways to relieve stress — we hope you use them and find some respite in this busy

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5 Ways the Foam Roller Can Improve Your Workout

5 Ways the Foam Roller Can Improve Your Workout

If you’ve been in a gym, a CrossFit box, a sporting goods store, or even the fitness aisle at a big box store, you’ve likely encountered a foam roller by now. This simple piece of exercise equipment is popping up everywhere, for good reason. Myofascial Release Fascia is the connective tissue that covers almost every area of your body — it is composed of collagen fibers that surround and penetrate your muscles, organs, and nerves — essentially,

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Why Sitting is the New Smoking

Why Sitting is the New Smoking

On average, someone with a desk job sits for 8+ hours per day, or 40+ hours a week just at the office. Add in commute time and time spent vegging out on the couch at home, most Americans are sitting a lot. This sedentary lifestyle is quickly wreaking havoc on our minds, bodies, and overall health! In an interview done by the Los Angeles Times, Dr. James Levine, director of the Mayo Clinic- Arizona State University Obesity Solutions Initiative, stated,

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