Health & Fitness Tips

4 Tips to Help Your Student Avoid Back Pain

The beginning of the school year is a crazy time for most families. There are a million and one things to think about, organize, and prepare for. Something that often gets lost is the chaos though is the effect that the two ton backpacks and hours of sitting at a desk have on students. Here are four tips to help your student avoid back pain and excel.   1. Backpacks Make a Difference! We have all heard

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How Frequently Should I Get My Back Adjusted?

Franklin Chiropractor – Q & A There are many different aspects that determine the frequency of chiropractic visits. Generally though you can form a frequency sliding scale based on how creatively your pain occurred. For instance, if you slept on your stomach for three days you probably won’t need to come as often as someone who para sailed into a tree. Since there are so many variables though, it is impossible to determine the frequency of chiropractic

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4 Time-Saving Tips to Better Your Health and Well-Being

1. PROCRASTINATION IS THE ENEMY: Procrastination, we all do it! Don’t let its popularity fool you though, procrastination can lead to a deterioration of your mind, body, and soul. Though right now putting things off may seem convenient, you always pay for it later. Payment comes in many different forms, it could be the worry and anxiety that comes from unfinished work or tasks, or the stress from having to rush to finish something you put off.

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