Movember Update

Movember Update
Movember Update
Dr. Peter Hinz

Chiropractic Doctor

Movember Update

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Movember Update

Giving is one of the most joyous things a person can partake in. During the month of November our office participated in Movember which helps raise money for prostate and testicular cancer research and programs. Myself and many of the patients in our office participated through either donations, growing out their mustache to raise awareness, or both. Though we didn’t reach our $1000.00 dollar goal we did raise $350.00 dollars for this great cause.


Movember is a global movement which started in Melbourne, Australia. Today more than 1.9 million people have participated in campaigns from across the globe including the US, Canada, the UK, South Africa, Spain, Belgium, New Zealand, and more.

“No matter the country or city, Movember will continue to work to change established habits and attitudes men have about their health, to educate men about the health risks they face, and to act on that knowledge, thereby increasing the chances of early detection, diagnosis and effective treatment.”


Movembers focus is not just to raise funds, though that is important, they believe education is truly what saves lives. This is why along with fundraising they encourage men to grow their mustaches out for the entire month of November. Stating that each Movember moustache grown in 2011 sparked a total of 2,413 conversations surrounding men’s health.

“Often it’s the funds raised by a charity that are remembered, but equally important, especially at Movember, is the awareness raised through the power of the moustache. Its awareness that educates and prompts people to take action and change behavior. It’s awareness and education that can ultimately save lives.”

Your Donations:

Funds raised in the US are used to support programs run by Movember and their men’s health partners, the Prostate Cancer Foundation and the Livestrong Foundation. Worried about where your money will go? Another great thing about this wonderful charity is they share how your donations are used. You can visit to see a breakdown of where your donation goes. You can also visit to view annual reports.

Even though November has come and gone you don’t have to wait till next year to help. You can donate year round at

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