What is an Abdominal Chiropractic Adjustment?

What is an Abdominal Chiropractic Adjustment?
What is an Abdominal Chiropractic Adjustment?
Dr. Peter Hinz

Chiropractic Doctor

What is an Abdominal Chiropractic Adjustment?

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An abdominal chiropractic adjustment is a technique performed by chiropractors to adjust and manipulate the abdomen’s internal structure. With gentle pressure, the adjustment manipulates the joints, ligaments, and muscles of the abdominal area to restore function and mobility to the spine and surrounding structures.

An abdominal chiropractic adjustment is a technique performed by chiropractors to adjust and manipulate the abdomen’s internal structure. By using gentle pressure, the chiropractor adjusts and manipulates the spine, pelvis, and surrounding internal structures of the abdominal region.

Chiropractic care focuses on the correlation between the spine, nervous system, and the rest of the body. By restoring the alignment of the spine, all body functions work optimally. An abdominal chiropractic adjustment targets the joints, ligaments, and muscles of the abdominal region to gain mobility and equilibrium in the body. It serves to address any imbalances that may be occurring in the abdominal area that may also be affecting various body systems.

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More About an Abdominal Chiropractic Adjustment

Chiropractors study the effects that spinal subluxations or misalignments in the abdominal area have on the rest of the body. When the spine and other body structures are out of alignment, it may cause a broad range of health issues including dysfunction of the pelvic floor, back pain, digestive issues, and many other conditions.

To help heal conditions and alleviate the symptoms related to them, chiropractors keep a close eye on the alignment of all body structures to ensure the patient’s overall health and well-being.

First, you must understand that not all chiropractors are experienced in doing abdominal adjustments in their practice. It takes specialized chiropractic techniques to perform this type of adjustment safely and effectively.

Practitioners are commonly specialized in certain areas based on their interests. Each chiropractor uses a particular range of manual therapies, soft tissue mobilization techniques, spinal adjustments, and other specialized therapies. A chiropractor’s specialization is influenced by the needs of the patients, clinical experience, and specialized training.

What Are the Benefits of Abdominal Chiropractic Adjustments?

Chiropractors who practice abdominal chiropractic adjustments see their patients gain various benefits. However, there is limited scientific evidence to support these claims, only anecdotal cases. Further scientific research must be conducted to establish the effects of receiving abdominal chiropractic adjustments. Some benefits include:

Better Digestive Function

Some patients experience enhanced digestive function after receiving abdominal adjustments. This is believed to be the result of addressing restrictions and misalignments that may be happening in the abdominal region. By restoring proper alignment of the abdominal area, the spine, and surrounding structures regain mobility. This allows the nervous and digestive systems to work optimally. Chiropractic treatment for gastrointestinal problems has been reviewed in clinical trials published by PubMed Central (PMC).

Increased Organ Mobility

Advocates of abdominal chiropractic adjustments have noticed an increase in organ mobility. The adjustments seem to enhance the function and movement of internal organs that rest in the abdominal cavity. It is believed that restrictions and misalignments of the abdominal region don’t allow organs to work properly. By liberating these restrictions, organs have better blood flow and function.

Abdominal Pain Relief

Another benefit of these types of adjustments is the relief from abdominal pain. Aches and discomfort in the abdominal area are often caused by the misalignment of abdominal structures.

Abdominal pain may be due to muscle strains, inflammation, gastrointestinal issues, and organ dysfunction. It is important to rule out other causes of the pain to determine the best therapy.

Improves Scar Tissue

To properly heal scar tissue, collagen fibers must be free of restrictions. Abdominal adjustments are believed to improve myofascial release or help soft tissue mobilization. The adjustment helps to reduce tension in the abdominal region, which can help scar tissue resolve.

Reliefs Tension and Stress

Abdominal adjustments are great for providing the patient with a soothing therapy that helps them relieve tension and stress. The abdominal area is very vascular thus by applying pressure, blood flow is improved, allowing muscular tension to be released. This type of stimulation of the nervous system creates a sense of relaxation for patients.

Pelvic Floor Function

Dysfunctions of the pelvic floor can lead to pain and urinary incontinence. By receiving an abdominal adjustment, the pelvic region becomes more balanced, and internal structures become aligned for the optimal function of the pelvic area.

Common Conditions Improved by Abdominal Chiropractic Adjustments

Below are the most common conditions improved by abdominal chiropractic adjustments:

Digestive Issues

In addition to lifestyle choices and stress, the digestive system becomes vulnerable when internal structures are misaligned. Chiropractic care provides a comprehensive approach to managing all body functions including the digestive tract. From stomach cramps to constipation, chiropractic care may hold the key to improving digestive problems.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is commonly seen in patients who experience frequent bloating, abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, and changes in bowel movements. It is believed that abnormal muscle contractions close to the digestive tract may be responsible for IBS symptoms. Chiropractic adjustments help relieve IBS symptoms including pain and low gut microbiota.

Acid Reflux or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

Another common disorder of the digestive tract is acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Along with lifestyle modifications, symptoms of GERD can be relieved by abdominal chiropractic adjustments by releasing tension in internal structures. The patient also experiences relaxation during chiropractic treatments, which help relieve the overall symptoms of GERD.

Abdominal Aches and Pains, Bloating, and Other Issues

Whether you experience abdominal cramps, bloating, or other digestive issues, it is recommended to explore chiropractic adjustments of the abdomen. By liberating tension and misalignment of the abdominal cavity, the body has a better chance at have a well-functioning digestive system.

Frequent Vomit or Nausea

If you experience frequent episodes of vomiting or nausea, you may be experiencing restrictions in your abdominal cavity. To relieve symptoms, the holistic approach of chiropractic care can help relieve symptoms. However, if you continue to experience symptoms, it is important to seek the assistance of a gastrointestinal specialist who may be able to provide you with a precise diagnosis.

What Are the Types of Abdominal Chiropractic Adjustments?

You will find various types of abdominal chiropractic adjustments as well as other techniques used by chiropractors to improve overall health and specific issues of the abdominal area.

These are some of the most common types of chiropractic adjustments:

Soft Tissue Release

Chiropractic adjustments such as soft tissue release relieve adhesions, restrictions, and tension. It allows the abdominal structure and connective tissues to improve mobility and ease discomfort. These techniques include trigger point therapy, myofascial release, and other manual therapies.

Release of the Diaphragm

To relieve tension from the diaphragm muscle, chiropractors use the diaphragmatic release technique to improve the function of this dome-shaped muscle that sits in the abdominal cavity and chest. The diaphragm is an essential part of our breathing mechanism, making it very important for all body functions.

Adjustments Aimed to Specific Organs

Organ-specific adjustments target individual organs of the body. The spinal nerves connect to every organ and muscle, which means that chiropractors can target specific parts of our physiology to improve function.

Visceral Manipulation Technique

Another great manual therapy is visceral manipulation, which focuses on internal organs. The chiropractor gently palpates different areas of the body to mobilize organs and release restrictions. This technique improves organ function and thus helps resolve various symptoms a patient may be experiencing.

Fascial Release Therapy

The fascial tissue is a connective structure that supports organs, muscles, and other parts of our musculoskeletal system. It is a web-like network that spreads throughout the body to help maintain structural integrity. By releasing the fascial tissue, the patient is able to increase mobility, improve blood flow, and facilitate lymphatic drainage.

Craniosacral Therapy (CST)

Craniosacral therapy is a gentle manual therapy that targets the craniosacral system, which is composed of the tissues, bones, and cerebrospinal fluid that protects and surrounds the spinal cord and brain. The chiropractor palpates the spine, sacrum, and skull to release imbalances. The craniosacral system connects to the rest of the body improving overall health.

Therapeutic Lymphatic Drainage

Lymphatic drainage therapy stimulates the circulation of the lymphatic fluid and increases blood flow throughout the body. It helps to eliminate wastes, balance fluids, and improve immunity. The technique involves gentle rhythmic pressure that stimulates organs, vessels, and lymph nodes.

Spinal Manipulation

There are many ways in which a chiropractor performs spinal adjustments. During spinal manipulation therapy, the chiropractor uses the hands or specialized instruments to apply high-velocity thrusts to various parts of the spine. The targeted joints are aligned and mobility is restored.

Adjustments of the Thoracic Spine

Thoracic spine adjustments target the middle area of the spine. These 12 vertebrae connect to the cervical and lumbar spine. Addressing the thoracic spine is very important to regain an aligned posture. By correcting thoracic imbalances, the patient can achieve relief of symptoms and improve function.



How does a chiropractor adjust your stomach?

Chiropractors don’t particularly adjust your stomach, instead, they are able to make adjustments to your abdominal area with techniques that include spinal adjustments and visceral manipulation.

Can a chiropractor help with abdominal pain?

Yes, abdominal pain may be relieved by chiropractic abdominal adjustments that help ease the tension and restrictions happening in your abdominal area.

What actually happens during a chiropractic adjustment?

There are many ways in which a chiropractor can perform adjustments to your musculoskeletal system. It commonly involves having the patient in a relaxed position while the chiropractor gently manipulates various parts of the body either by hand or with specialized instruments.

Is chiropractic adjustment safe?

Chiropractic adjustments are considered to be safe when performed by a trained professional. The chiropractor must be familiar with abdominal adjustments in order to provide a safe treatment plan. These types of doctors are well-trained in the understanding of how spinal alignment relates to the nervous system and the body’s overall physiology.

How long does it take for a chiropractor to adjust you?

Chiropractic treatments are generally brief, but they vary depending on the patient and particular condition. Generally, you can expect the actual chiropractic adjustment to last less than 15 minutes. Your appointment, however, can last longer depending on the complementary therapies you receive during your visit.

What position is best for abdominal pain?

When experiencing abdominal pain, the best position to relieve symptoms varies on the underlying cause and the person’s preferences. Some people may find relief in the fetal position, standing, reclining, or in a stretched position.

Can being out of alignment cause stomach problems?

Yes, when the spine and internal structures experience tension and are out of alignment, they are not able to have normal physiological responses. Since the spinal nerves connect to the rest of the body, when it is out of alignment it can affect various body systems including the digestive tract.

Can a chiropractor fix digestion?

It is possible that chiropractic therapies can help ease digestive issues. Through releasing restrictions of the abdominal area and related spinal nerves, digestive issues may be resolved.

Why do I feel so good after a chiropractic adjustment?

After a chiropractic adjustment, patients frequently feel a release of tension. When the spine and other parts of the body are out of alignment, it causes related muscles to become tense. Chiropractic adjustments help release restricted structures, which cause tension and pain to subside. They also increase blood flow, which can lead to an overall sense of well-being.

Do you feel better or worse after chiropractic adjustments?

It depends on the patient and the present conditions. Generally, patients feel relieved after chiropractic adjustments. However, some patients may feel sore for a short period before feeling relief.

Do chiropractic adjustments affect bowel movements?

Yes, chiropractic adjustments can help the digestive system to regain balance. Some patients who experience issues with bowel movements are able to experience normal digestion after addressing misalignment in the spine and other internal structures.

What are the disadvantages of chiropractic therapy?

Although chiropractic therapy has many benefits, some disadvantages include the lack of scientific studies that support it. Also, in rare instances, a patient may experience adverse effects after treatment. Additionally, some patients may become reliant on chiropractic treatments instead of addressing the underlying cause of their condition. Finally, some health insurance plans don’t cover chiropractic care making it difficult for some people to afford it.

How often should you get chiropractic adjustments?

The frequency of chiropractic adjustments varies according to each individual, the condition, treatment goals, and the recommendations of your practitioner. Some patients may start with three weekly visits and gradually decrease the frequency of their treatment. After a comprehensive assessment, you will have a good idea of the frequency of your visits.

What cracks when you see a chiropractor?

The cracking or popping sounds you hear during a chiropractic adjustment are due to joint cavitation. It occurs when the joint pressure suddenly changes causing gas to dissolve and form bubbles in the synovial fluid. During an adjustment, these bubbles implode and produce a cracking sound.

What toxins are released after a chiropractic adjustment?

Chiropractic adjustments may release toxins accumulated from food-based and environmental sources. They also help the spine and joints release tiny gas bubbles that contain nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen.

Bad gas after chiropractic adjustment

It is normal for some patients to experience gas or changes in their bowel movements after a chiropractic adjustment. The improvements to the nervous system, tense muscles, and structural mobilization can contribute to changes in your digestion.

Stomach pain after chiropractic adjustment

It is not typical for patients to experience abdominal pain after adjustments. However, some patients may have stomach pain due to vagal nerve stimulation, a pre-existing condition, or muscular tension.

Can a chiropractor help with bloating?

Yes, a chiropractic adjustment can help patients relieve bloating because the digestive system is stimulated. Some patients feel improved digestion immediately while others find gradual relief.

Symptoms of toxic release after chiropractic adjustment

Symptoms of toxic release depend on the patient, the severity of misalignment, and their symptoms. Generally, patients see a decrease in symptoms within 24 hours after their chiropractic adjustment. Other patients experience symptoms for one to two days, but if symptoms last more than three days, you should speak to your chiropractor.

Can chiropractic help bowel movements?

Yes, chiropractic adjustments may help improve all functions of your digestive system including bowel movements. Adjustments help release tension in the muscles and organs that involve your digestive tract, therefore, bowel issues may resolve with a comprehensive chiropractic treatment plan.

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