8 Health Benefits of Eucalyptus

8 Health Benefits of Eucalyptus
8 Health Benefits of Eucalyptus
Dr. Peter Hinz

Chiropractic Doctor

8 Health Benefits of Eucalyptus

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Most people can tell eucalyptus from a distance because of its distinctive scent. It’s a pleasant one. Thus, it’s widely identified with home fragrances, deodorants, and scented soaps. But you should know that there is more to eucalyptus than a beautiful scent. The tree is therapeutic in all its forms. You can find it in forms like eucalyptus oil (popularly known as eucalyptol), eucalyptus ointment, eucalyptus leaves (either fresh or dry), eucalyptus spray, and eucalyptus ointment.

You probably know eucalyptus dry leaves as an ingredient for herbal tea. Their fresh form can be used as a natural fragrance. The same role applies to eucalyptus spray. For eucalyptus ointment, it’s applied on the skin to promote antibacterial functions. Eucalyptus oil can also be used the same way. Additionally, it can be taken orally or inhaled. Actually, eucalyptol is the most used form of eucalyptus. You’ll find it in over-the-counter products like cough syrups, mouthwashes, anti-rash creams, hair care products, and body rubs.

8 Health Benefits of Eucalyptus

You can know that a product has eucalyptus oil just by smelling it. Its scent is generally aromatic. The oil is obtained from the leaves of a mature eucalyptus tree. This evergreen tree originated from Australia but its popularity runs globally. In fact, it’s the most recognized medicinal tree around the world today and exists in more than 400 species. The most popular species in most countries is Blue Gum. It’s the primary source of eucalyptol. From a health perspective, research shows that eucalyptus is quite therapeutic. Here are 8 benefits that the evergreen tree species brings:

  1. Powerful Antiseptic/Disinfectant

Eucalyptus is generally a powerful antimicrobial agent. It’s able to get rid of microbes from the skin surface and inanimate objects. This explains why eucalyptus oil is a sought-after wound cleanser. It’s able to eliminate bacteria and fungi around an open wound. In the end, it’s able to help a wound heal much faster.

Moreover, it offers protection to an open wound against irritation from air exposure. Because of this benefit, Turkish Researchers support the use of Eucalyptus oil when you want to fasten the wound healing process. With respect to inanimate surface cleaning, you can use eucalyptus spray to clean kitchen countertops, bathroom floors, and other surfaces.

  1. Pain Relief and Anti-Inflammation

When eucalyptus oil is applied to the body, it’s known to ease joint pain and redness, muscle soreness, and general body swelling. There are also suggestions that eucalyptus oil can be inhaled to promote pain relief. So, you don’t just need to apply it topically to enjoy this benefit. This is more important if you have sustained a physical injury that’s characterized by joint or muscle pain and inflammation.

  1. Relieves Headaches

A headache occurs when pressure is placed on the sinus. This is actually the part that eucalyptus targets. It’s able to invigorate this part to release its tension. In the end, this helps immensely in alleviating head pain. According to a random survey, patients who inhale and apply eucalyptus oil on their head when they have a headache tends to experience fast relief even without using pain relievers.

  1. Encourages Hair Health

If you observe most hair products keenly, you’ll identify eucalyptus as one of the main ingredients. It’s known to exert powerful antimicrobial effects on the hair follicles. This is according to a 2012 report. The report shows that eucalyptus oil is able to prevent the buildup of pathogens around the hair follicles.

By doing so, you are able to avoid head lice, dandruff, and scalp irritation. Actually, you can apply eucalyptus oil directly to your scalp to promote this. The report concludes by suggesting that you could boost hair growth if you apply eucalyptus oil regularly.

  1. Stimulate Brain Activity

Sometimes, the brain’s activity can be slowed down by stress, fatigue, or a mental condition. In all these cases, eucalyptus oil can help. For example, it can help to calm your nerves and to increase blood supply to the brain when you are feeling mental sluggishness. This will stimulate your brain and you become more alert.

You also have to note that improved brain supply means greater brain power. In this case, the performance of your brain becomes much improved. This is why eucalyptus oil is employed in aromatherapy (mood enhancement). In such a practice, it helps to boost your concentration and attitude. For a student, the overall class performance improves as a result of eucalyptus-induced aromatherapy.

  1. Manages Respiratory Conditions

Over the years, people around the globe have used eucalyptus oil to manage different respiratory conditions. Research shows that eucalyptus oil makes it easy for you to breathe when your nose is congested and when you have a bad cough or common cold. For this reason, eucalyptus can be used as a natural expectorant and nasal decongestant.

According to a 2014 study, eucalyptus oil can also be used to reduce symptoms associated with bronchitis. Though the oil may not treat bronchitis, it can mask its symptoms. Basically, bronchitis is brought down to a manageable level. Other conditions that can be managed with eucalyptol include sinusitis and asthma.

  1. Promotes Oral Health

Are you aware that you can have better breath by consuming eucalyptus oil? According to a recent publication, this is quite possible if you use eucalyptus as a mouthwash. Since eucalyptol has a natural scent that’s very pleasant, you can use it to get rid of bad breath. This explains why it’s a popular ingredient in most toothpaste and mouthwash products. In addition to getting rid of bad breath, eucalyptus has amazing therapeutic effects against dental cavities, tooth decay, and plaque. Due to its antimicrobial effects, eucalyptus is able to get rid of bacteria and fungi in the mouth.

  1. Reduces Fever

Eucalyptus is an effective vasodilator. Simply, it helps to open up blood vessels to facilitate maximum blood circulation. This is very important when you have a fever. Because of this property, a lot of time s eucalyptus is referred to as ‘fever oil’. So, you can use it on your body or forehead each time your body temperature rises. There are actually two ways to do it:

  • You can rub it on your body and forehead
  • You can mix it with tepid water and soak a towel in the mixture to use as a compress.

Closing Thought:

Speaking matters health, eucalyptus is one of the most powerful health products out there. Whether you decide to consume it, inhale it or apply it topically, there are some amazing health benefits that it brings. And now that it exists in different forms, it’s even easier to inculcate it in your day-to-day routine.

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