The Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Athletes

The Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Athletes
The Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Athletes
Dr. Peter Hinz

Chiropractic Doctor

The Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Athletes

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Did you know that experts estimate that nearly 90% of all world-class athletes use chiropractic care? In fact, all NFL teams rely on chiropractors as part of their staff, and 77% of athletic trainers have referred players to a chiropractor for treatment or evaluation.

Man with glowing backbone

Why is chiropractic care so important and popular among athletes? Because it has incredible benefits! Check out some of the ways that athletes (and non-athletes!) can benefit from chiropractic care:

  • Undo the body punishment the body takes in sports
    • Any sport takes its toll on the body overtime. When the spine has subluxations, irritation occurs in the nervous system, leading to poorer function in all bodily systems. Obviously, this isn’t great for athletic performance! When athletes get regularly adjusted, their body’s can perform as the high level they have trained for!
  • Decreases pain
    • The spine houses the nervous system, and if there are any subluxations in the spine, this can place stress and strain on the body! Through chiropractic care, patients experienced reduced low-back pain and restored normal function faster than traditional medical treatments.
  • Treats a variety of sports injuries
    • Whether you do CrossFit, Zumba, barre, pilates, run, box, etc., chiropractic has benefits for you. Spinal adjustments remove subluxations in the spine, helping you to feel your best, perform your best, and improve your best.
  • Non-invasive treatment
    • Several studies show that chiropractic treatments help athletes recover from a variety of injuries, without the use of pain medication or surgery! This means the athlete spends more time doing what they love, and less time experiencing pain.
  • Injury prevention and performance enhancement
    • Numerous studies show that chiropractic care helps athletes achieve peak performance by aiding in quick recovery, a fully functioning nervous system, and less time missed practicing their sport of choice.

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