How Does Chiropractic Treatment Work

How Does Chiropractic Treatment Work
How Does Chiropractic Treatment Work
Dr. Peter Hinz

Chiropractic Doctor

How Does Chiropractic Treatment Work

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Chiropractic treatments utilize spinal manipulation and other alternative methods to properly align the spine so the body and nervous system can function optimally.

If you’re wondering how chiropractic treatment works to help the body function optimally, this type of care includes manipulation of the spine in order to provide better alignment for the musculoskeletal system. The spine must be in proper alignment in order for our nervous systems to function, sending nerve signals to different parts of our body without interference. Since our nervous systems control all of the different cells and organs in our body, many people require routine chiropractic adjustments to feel their best. Let’s take a closer look at how chiropractic adjustments work and how they benefit the body.

What Does Chiropractic Care Focus On?

Chiropractic care is provided by a health care professional that focuses on diagnosing and treating a variety of neuromuscular disorder. Manually adjusting the spine is the main form of treatment, along with other alternative therapies like massage.

What is included in a chiropractic adjustment?

A chiropractic adjustment will help to ensure that there is normal movement of the spine and other related joints in the body. Adjustments can also include things like stretching affected muscles and tissue, mobilizing the joints and educating a patient of various stabilization exercises. Chiropractors may also provide massage or heat / cold therapy to patients.

What does a professional chiropractor do?

A chiropractor will begin with a consultation that includes an initial examination of a patient. This exam looks closely at how the spine is positioned and how the muscles reflex. X-rays may be used to assess the condition of a patient. After that, a treatment plan will be created that includes monitoring the progress of the patient moving forward. This is a drug-free approach to health, wellness and pain management.

Do chiropractors move bones during an adjustment?

While it might sound drastic, chiropractors gently reposition bones in your spine to relieve pressure and irritation. The body can function more optimally if an adjustment is provided to support the nervous system and spinal health.

What Do the Benefits of Chiropractic Care Include?

An experienced chiropractor has the potential to help clients feel better and to maintain a more optimal level of health overall. Patients often seek the assistance of a chiropractor after an automobile accident, work injury, sports injury or when dealing with chronic pain.

Chiropractic adjustments improve neck pain

Receiving regular adjustments from a chiropractor can help to relieve neck pain by repositioning bones in the neck and spine, providing relaxation for the affected muscles and to reduce pressure on nerves. Stretching and exercises can also help provide supportive care.

Chiropractic care helps to reduces reliance on opioids

Many people turn to prescription opioid pain medication in order to deal with their chronic pain. These drugs are extremely dangerous and addictive. Alternative care in the form of chiropractic adjustments can help to naturally reduce pain, eliminating the need for opioids.

Chiropractic care can ease back pain

Chronic back pain is a common reason people enlist the help of a chiropractor. Whether you’re dealing with upper, middle or lower back pain, an adjustment can help you to strengthen the muscles in your back. You can also use chiropractic care to improve your posture, which directly affects how your back functions and feels.

Chiropractic adjustments provide a possible reduction of osteoarthritis symptoms

Chiropractic adjustments are commonly used to provide a reduction in pain and other symptoms associated with osteoarthritis. An adjustment can help improve joint mobility, reduce restrictions and address misalignments of the spine. With ongoing care, a reduction in inflammation can be achieved while improving the overall function of the joints, nerves and nervous system. This helps people with osteoarthritis better manage their symptoms.

Chiropractic care for headaches

Chiropractors can provide treatment for a number of conditions, including headaches. Chronic headaches and migraines can be debilitating. Suffering without treatment shouldn’t be necessary. A knowledgeable chiropractor can improve the communication of the nervous system, reduce tension in the muscles that are often associated with headaches, improves blood flow, boosts the body’s ability to heal and decrease nerve irritation.

Reducing scoliosis symptoms with chiropractic adjustments

Chiropractic adjustments alone cannot fix scoliosis, but this is a treatment option that can help reduce symptoms associated with scoliosis. Routine adjustments can help a person with scoliosis maintain proper posture, improve the alignment of the spine and reduce pain.

Chiropractic treatment to improve posture

Poor posture can lead to all kinds of unwanted symptoms, including chronic pain. Your posture is something that you should focus on when you’re sitting at your desk at work, driving in your car and spending time at home. A chiropractic adjustment will provide a number of posture-focused benefits that come from properly aligning the bones and joints in the body. It will also reduce stress on ligaments and decrease wear and tear on muscles and joints that are caused by poor posture.

Are there are risks associated with Chiropractic Care?

Chiropractic care is generally a very safe treatment option when adjustments are done by a reputable and knowledgeable professional. Spinal manipulation can come with risks when not done correctly, but medical malpractice is something that exists in many different areas of health care. Some of the (rare) risks of adjustments include a herniated disk, vertebral artery dissection stroke and compression of nerves in the spinal column.

What should I expect at my upcoming chiropractic adjustment?

When you first step foot into a chiropractor’s office, you will sit down with the chiropractor for an initial consultation and examination. At this point in time, you should express any concerns you have regarding your health. Symptoms that you experience regularly should be communicated. You should also explain any ongoing health issues that you deal with to your chiropractor.

You may need to go through some additional testing as well as your examination. An x-ray is often used to get a good view of the spine. If you’re dealing with an injury or undiagnosed problem, you may need to go for an MRI. It’s important that your chiropractor knows exactly what’s going on so they can treat you.
Your ongoing care plan will be determined. This includes the frequency of your adjustments and any other alternative therapies that may be used to compliment your adjustments. Keeping up with the schedule recommended to you by your chiropractor can help you feel your best in the future.

Chiropractic Treatment Benefits for Sciatica Pain

The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in your body that runs from your lower back down through the back of each leg. If this nerve becomes pinched or compressed, you can experience a great deal of chronic pain. Sciatic pain usually runs from the back of the hip to the outer side of one leg. A chiropractic adjustment can promote vasoconstriction to decrease pressure, relieve pain and control the spasms that occur with sciatic flare ups.

Chiropractic Treatment Options for Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain can adequately be treated using adjustments from a chiropractor. Lower back pain is often caused by a sudden movement that resulted in an injury, ongoing muscle strain or misalignment of the spine. In addition to providing manual manipulation of the spine, chiropractors often provide patients with massage therapy, heat therapy and exercises that can be done at-home to keep up with adequate mobility and blood flow to the lower back area.

Natural Neck Pain Relief Using Chiropractic Care

The neck can be adjusted during a chiropractic appointment. Neck pain can be caused by bad posture, injuries, pinched nerves, muscle strain, etc. Improving the mobility of the spine near the neck can alleviate unwanted symptoms. Acupuncture, massage and even physical therapy may also be provided by your chiropractor to ensure you are pain free.

Chiropractic Treatment for Headaches and Migraines

Headaches can be caused by stress, illness, injury, nerve issues and inflammation just to name a few. A chiropractic adjustment will not only provide alignment in the neck and spine, but improved communication between your nerves and your nervous system can reduce headache pain while preventing future headaches. People who experience chronic migraines can often reduce their frequency by scheduling regular chiropractic adjustments.

What other conditions can chiropractic treatment help with?

While chiropractors are well known for working on the neck and spine, there is a large number of conditions that they can help with. Back pain, neck pain, headaches, injury recovery, arthritis, vertigo, Bell’s Palsy, high blood pressure, inflammatory bowel conditions and therapeutic support for cancer patients are just some of what is achievable with regular adjustments and appointments.


How long does it take for a chiropractic adjustment to start to work?

Every patient is different regarding the experience they will have when they are adjusted by a chiropractor. The results and how quickly you feel relief will really depend on your body’s response and what kind of procedure was performed. Certain conditions may require you to see your chiropractor weekly for a couple of months before you see full results. Other people can experience almost immediate relief from pain or discomfort after they’ve had an adjustment. One thing is for certain, you shouldn’t feel worse after your appointment. If you’re experiencing an increase in pain or have developed other issues, contact your chiropractor immediately.

What can you expect to happen during a chiropractic adjustment?

Once you have gone through the process of your initial consultation and examination, you will receive your adjustment as well as any other treatments that are being performed on you during that appointment. The chiropractor will use their hands to manipulate your spine in a number of ways. The goal is to manipulate the bones gently, so they move into a more natural and comfortable position. You should be comfortable during this process. Let the chiropractor know if you are at all uncomfortable.

Are chiropractors actually adjusting your spine during an appointment?

Chiropractors use a number of techniques to adjust the position of your spine and bones during your appointment. The process is done in such a way that is very safe and comfortable. You won’t be manipulated in any kind of way that is uncomfortable or unsafe. You should be pain free during the appointment, and you should be comfortable when you leave as well.

Is going to a chiropractor appointment painful?

A chiropractor can provide you with relief from a number of conditions that are causing you pain, but their goal is to make you more comfortable. They will not work on your body in any way that is going to make your issues worse. It is normal to feel a little sore after your first couple of adjustments, but you should be dealing with minimal discomfort and not pain. You can let your chiropractor know at your next adjustment what you experienced. They may change the procedure that they use.

Are toxins are released after a chiropractic adjustment?

Not everyone will experience a release of toxins into their body after a chiropractic adjustment, but about 20 percent of patients do. This is actually a positive result of an adjustment that will help to make your body healthier and stronger than before your appointment. It helps to drink a lot of water after your appointment, and load up on healthy fruits and vegetables.

What kind of conditions do chiropractors commonly treat?

Chiropractors commonly deal with conditions that cause pain in some form. Chiropractor care for back pain accounts for about 35 percent of chiropractic patients. Other common reasons that people seek this type of care includes: arthritis, neck pain, headache, musculoskeletal conditions and traumatic injuries.

What are the side effects of a chiropractic adjustment?

The risk of negative side effects after a chiropractic adjustment tend to be pretty minimal, but there are people that do experience some discomfort for a day or so after their appointment. A dull headache, soreness and fatigue are the most common symptoms experienced. If you are concerned with the potential for side effects or have experienced these issues before, you should communicate to your chiropractor what you’re worried about. They may be able to provide you with some recommendations to prevent side effects or they can change the procedure they’re using to work on you.

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