What Can a Chiropractor Do For a Pinched Nerve?

What Can a Chiropractor Do For a Pinched Nerve?
What Can a Chiropractor Do For a Pinched Nerve?
Dr. Peter Hinz

Chiropractic Doctor

What Can a Chiropractor Do For a Pinched Nerve?

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Chiropractors have access to multiple ways of treating a pinched nerve no matter where it might occur in the body. That would include applying spinal adjustment and massage techniques in and around the spinal cord.

Unless you have first-hand experience with a pinched nerve, you truly have no way of knowing just how painful it can be. The fact is pinched nerves can be very painful and at times, debilitating.

If you were to encounter a pinched nerve, you would soon realize you must address the issue as quickly as possible. While going to your family physician would certainly be a viable option, you might do just as well by seeking treatment from a licensed chiropractor. As experts in the treatment of pinched nerves, chiropractors have access to multiple ways of relieving pinched nerve pain.

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Defining a Pinched Nerve

The best way to define a pinched nerve is as follows. A pinched nerve is a nerve that is being compressed by body tissues. The body tissues that can cause a pinched nerve include muscles, bones, and tendons. The pain caused by a pinched nerve is created when the nerve in question becomes inflamed.

Most pinched nerves occur in the neck, upper middle back region (shoulder), or lower back. An overwhelming number of pinched nerve issues are caused by herniated discs that cause two vertebrae to compress the sciatic nerve. The static nerve is the central nerve that runs through the middle of the spinal cord, splitting into two nerves with one nerve then going down each leg.

How does a pinched nerve feel?

A pinched nerve can result in the victim feeling electrical shocks at some point along the nerve. It can also produce muscle weakness and a tingling sensation in the affected area.

What are the Causes of a Pinched Nerve?

The human body has a lot of moving parts. As it relates to pinched nerves, there are a lot of ways a person can end up with a pinched nerve. Here are a few of the most common ways.

1) Lifting of heavy objects

The lifting of heaving objects can cause body tissues to strain, compress or tear, resulting in the compression of nearby nerves.

2) Playing high-impact sports

High-impact sports require a lot of jumping and running. The pressure put on the spine and joints can cause body those body parts to suddenly adjust and compress nerves in the process.

3) Doing high-intensity exercise

The strain caused by any kind of high-intensity exercise (ie: weightlifting) can cause muscles to constrict and bones to adjust. Sometimes, these issues can lead to the pinching of nerves.

4) Doing high-speed exercise

High-speed activities give little time for the body to relax. The pressure put on body tissue can result in pinched nerves.

5) Going through repetitive motions

Repetitive activities can result in body tissue inflammation, which can subsequently result in the pinching of nerves.

6) Making sudden movements

Sudden movements can cause muscles/tendons to strain and bones to adjust too quickly. Pinched nerves can result from these kinds of issues.

7) Staying stationary or sedentary

In an interesting “twist”, laying, sitting, or standing in one position can result in nerves reacting in an adverse manner.

8) Enjoying Amusement park rides

The jerking motions caused by exciting amusement park rides can put undue strain on muscles, tendons, and bones. Sudden movements can cause pinched nerves.

9) Not sleeping well

While sleeping may not directly cause pinched nerves, the lack of sleep can interfere with the exacerbation of pinched nerve issues.

What causes pinched nerves to happen?

From the information provided above, it should be clear that pinched nerves are caused by injury or stress put on certain body tissues that suddenly contract or adjust.

Ways To Treat A Pinched Nerve

If you find yourself affected by a pinched nerve, you’ll want to take immediate action. The options you will have at your disposal will range from home self-remedies to seeking help from someone in the medical profession. Here are some pinched nerve treatment options that are worthy of your consideration.

1. Resting and relaxing the affected area

Resting and relaxing can result in the decompressing of muscles and body tissues. That will often result in the release of pinched nerves. Remember to avoid being too sedentary.

3. Stretching

Stretching the muscles can result in the release of constricted muscles and tendons, which could further result in the release of pinched nerves.

4. The Application of ice and heat

Both ice and heat applied in the area of a pinched nerve can cause the release of the pinched nerve. Both can be safely applied for about 20 minutes at a time.

5. Standing while working

If the source of pinched nerve pain is in the lower back, standing up while working will allow the spine to stretch naturally. That creates the possibility of pinched nerves being avoided or released.

6. Use a stabilizing device like a splint or a brace

Since pinched nerves can cause muscle weakness, you might need a splint or brace to stabilize affected body parts (wrist, arm, knee, etc:).

7. Seeking chiropractic care

If self-remedies don’t work, you should strongly consider seeing a chiropractor. A good licensed chiropractor has access to spine and bone adjustment techniques that can improve your body’s alignment. Pinched nerves often get released when the appropriate adjustments are made.

8. Going through physical therapy

If you would prefer, a physical therapist could offer up a series of exercises that will help stretch injured or affected body parts around where pinched nerve pain is located. The right exercises could release pinched nerves.

9. Going through massage therapy

If a pinched nerve is being caused by strained or constricted muscles, a therapeutic massage becomes an effective way to get the muscles to relax. While seeing a massage therapist is a viable option, a lot of chiropractors are also trained to provide therapeutic massages.

10. Taking of over-The-Counter pain medications

If the cause of a pinched nerve is caused by an inflamed nerve or tendon, anti-inflammatory medication can help reduce the inflammation.

Areas of the Body Where pinched nerves Occur

While any nerve in the body is subject to getting pinched, there are nerves in certain areas of the body that a more prone to getting pinched. Here is a look at the three most common areas: the neck, shoulders, and lower back.

Shoulder Pinched Nerve

The compression of cervical nerves causes pinched nerves in the shoulder.

Symptoms of a shoulder pinched nerve

The symptoms of a shoulder pinched nerve include:

  • Muscle weakness in the arm, wrist, and or hand of the affected shoulder
  • Neck pain with side-to-side movements
  • A tingling sensation in the affected hand and fingers
Causes of a shoulder pinched nerve

The primary cause of a pinched nerve in the shoulder would be body tissue inflammation that affects the nerves leading from the neck vertebrae to the neck and shoulder areas.

Ways to relieve a shoulder pinched nerve

Treatment options include anti-inflammatory drugs, neck stabilization, corticosteroids injections, chiropractic adjustments, and physical therapy,

Neck Pinched Nerve

The compression of cervical nerves also causes pinched nerves in the neck.

Symptoms of a neck pinched nerve

The symptoms of a neck pinched nerve include

  • Numbness in the shoulder, arm, and or hand
  • Muscle weakness in the shoulder, arm, and or hand
  • Sharp pain in one side of the neck
Causes of a neck pinched nerve

Disc degeneration is the primary cause of pinched nerves in the neck. Sudden neck movements or strain are contributing factors.

Ways to relieve a neck pinched nerve

Treatment options include neck stabilization, anti-inflammatory medication, physical therapy, chiropractic adjustments, and surgery if all else fails.

Lower back pinched nerve

The compression of lumbar nerves also causes pinched nerves in the lower.

Symptoms of a lower back pinched nerve

The symptoms of a pinched nerve in the lower back
are usually caused by sciatica, the pinching of the sciatic nerve, which could result in

  • Tingling in one or both legs
  • Muscle weakness in one or both legs
  • Pain radiating through one or both legs and feet
Causes of a lower back pinched nerve

The causes of a pinched nerve in the lower back include herniated discs, spinal stenosis, arthritis, bone spurs, and infections.

Ways to relieve a lower back pinched nerve

Treatment options are a bit more limited for lower back pinched nerves. The options include chiropractic adjustments, physical therapy, and surgery when all else fails.

Why Chiropractic Care is the Best Option for Treating Pinched Nerve Pain

Most of the self-remedy options are “hit n miss” options. If you really want to tackle a pinched nerve problem quickly and efficiently, chiropractic care will almost always be your best option. Why? Please keep reading.

Chiropractors have expertise in treating pinched nerves

Treating pinched nerves is always the primary focus of chiropractic care.

Chiropractors address the root causes of pain

As experts on the spine, chiropractors are well-versed in how the neuromuscular skeletal system works. It’s easy for them to trace back from the location of any kind of nerve pain to the root cause of the pain.

Chiropractors perform adjustments and more

Since chiropractic adjustments and massage therapies work best at relieving pinched nerve pain, you can access both options by seeing a licensed chiropractor.

Chiropractic care can be used as preventative care

If you are interested in maintaining good spine health to prevent pinched nerves in the future, chiropractors can employ all kinds of maintenance adjustment techniques.

Chiropractors will rule out serious injuries

Through imaging and pressure point testing, chiropractors are always careful to rule out significant spinal injuries before they proceed with any kind of treatment.


How does a chiropractor release a pinched nerve?

They can either use chiropractic adjustments to the spine and or joints or employ certain kinds of massage therapy techniques.

How long does it take a chiropractor to fix a pinched nerve?

While temporary pain relief is common within one or two treatments, it could take as many as three to five treatments to get lasting results.

Should you go to a chiropractor for a pinched nerve?

Absolutely. If you want to address a pinched nerve issue as quickly and efficiently as possible, chiropractic care would be your best option.

Can a chiropractor make a pinched nerve worse?

It’s rare but hidden nerve issues could arise during chiropractic care.

Can a chiropractor help pinched nerve in the shoulder?

Yes. they could employ a series of spinal adjustments or certain massage techniques.

Can a chiropractor help with a pinched nerve in the leg

Since most leg-related pinched nerve issues originate in the lower back (sciatic nerve), a chiropractor would address leg pain with spinal adjustments.

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