Health & Fitness Tips

Heart Health and Chiropractics Connection

Heart Health and Chiropractics Connection

When you think about chiropractic care, you might immediately associate it with back or neck pain relief. But did you know that chiropractic adjustments can also play a role in supporting your heart health? Your spine is closely connected to the nervous system, which regulates vital functions in your body—including heart activity. At Cool Springs Chiropractic, we believe in a holistic approach to health, and that includes caring for your cardiovascular system. In this blog, we’ll explore

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How Do You Relieve Sciatic Nerve Pain While Driving?

How Do You Relieve Sciatic Nerve Pain While Driving?

A driving cushion is the most convenient way to deal with sciatic nerve pain on a long drive. These devices come with many different names and are made from different materials, but they all have the same purpose. Sciatic nerve pain can be debilitating, making even simple everyday activities such as driving difficult and uncomfortable. If you suffer from sciatica, taking steps to relieve the discomfort while driving is essential. Fortunately, some simple strategies can help ease

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How to Massage Ankle Pain

How to Massage Ankle Pain

To relieve ankle pain, use your fingertips to massage the area around the joint using small circular patterns. Ideally, you should do this with both hands. But if that’s too uncomfortable, just do the best you can with one hand and then move it to the other side of the ankle. Recovering from an ankle injury can be a slow and painful process. Massage therapy is one of the best ways to reduce pain, speed up healing,

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What Method Does a Chiropractor Use for Carpal Tunnel?

What Method Does a Chiropractor Use for Carpal Tunnel?

The primary treatment option that a chiropractor would use for carpal tunnel syndrome would be myofascial release massage therapy. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a particularly painful condition. Left untreated, it is a condition that will continue getting worse, causing increasing pain in the process. If someone is suffering from this condition and wants to do something about it, there are both invasive and non-invasive treatment options they can access. One of the treatment options that a carpal

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How Long Does it Take for Chiropractic to Work?

How Long Does it Take for Chiropractic to Work?

Depending on a number of key factors, it can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months for chiropractic care to work. IAs you contemplate what to do about your back/neck/joint pain issues, you’ll likely come to the conclusion you should consider pursuing chiropractic care. It’s a far less invasive treatment option as opposed to relying on prescription drugs for pain relief. It’s also a far less invasive treatment option as opposed to risking further

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What is a Holistic Chiropractor?

What is a Holistic Chiropractor?

A holistic chiropractor is a healthcare professional who uses non-invasive adjustment and massage techniques to address pain issues. They also address a patient’s overall well-being in terms of their physical, mental, social, and spiritual health. A lot of people are seeking ways to deal with pain issues without having to resort to invasive options like pain medication and or surgery. In many cases, these very same people are also looking for ways to improve their overall health

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What is Predigested Protein?

What is Predigested Protein?

Predigested protein refers to protein hydrolysate, which is a combination of amino acids that are more easily absorbed and metabolized by the body. These smaller-molecule proteins are commonly found in supplements such as hydrolyzed protein powders to help people absorb nutrients quicker and speed up post-workout recovery. Supplementing your diet with predigested protein supplements has several benefits over conventional solid meals. Hydrolyzed proteins provide the body with the most fast-absorbing compounds to aid in nourishment and recovery.

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What Are the Three Keys to Good Health?

What Are the Three Keys to Good Health?

The three keys to good health are nutrition, exercise, and accountability. Eating nutritious foods, staying physically active, and being accountable for your daily habits are the foundation for good health. You can achieve all three by committing to your health and tracking your daily progress. To be able to enjoy your best life, you must keep a healthy mind and body. The foundation of good health is composed of three pillars: nutrition, exercise, and accountability. No matter

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How to Stop Dieting and Enjoy Eating Normally Again

How to Stop Dieting and Enjoy Eating Normally Again

As if we didn’t have enough issues with our body image, a celebrity is sure to come along and tell us that the latest protein shake is the key to dieting right. They assure us that the pounds will just magically melt off, leaving us with a flat tummy or other weight loss benefit.  Unfortunately, a diet like this and other similar dieting fads is that they are typically restrictive, punitive and focused on weight loss. It

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What to Wear to the Chiropractor

What to Wear to the Chiropractor

You’ve decided to make an appointment and join the millions of people who are experiencing the many benefits chiropractic care brings. First, let us congratulate you on your road to moving, performing, and even thinking better, as chiropractic adjustments will help with all of that!  However, if it’s your first appointment to see a chiropractor, you may wonder what clothing is appropriate. That’s a question we get asked, all the time, and it’s an important one. The

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What is a Holistic Chiropractor?

What is a Holistic Chiropractor?

A holistic chiropractor is a healthcare professional who uses non-invasive adjustment and massage techniques to address pain issues. They also address a patient’s overall well-being

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What is Predigested Protein?
Health Tips

What is Predigested Protein?

Predigested protein refers to protein hydrolysate, which is a combination of amino acids that are more easily absorbed and metabolized by the body. These smaller-molecule

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